Text Conversation with Robbie Jan 24, 2011
David 9:25- Connor wanted to name the kitten Kitty-Saurus Rex. Casey wanted to name it Professor Kitty. I told them if they wanted to pick faggy names they could go live with Katie. Remember Pretty Kitty? So we named it Sonofabitch
Robbie 9:26-That Fits
David 9:27-I’m just kidding. We named it H.A. Lorentz
Robbie 9:33-How did you convince your kids to name the cat after a physicist? And a less than interesting one at that?
Robbie 9:35- And don’t bring up MRI’s to refute my comment
David 9:35-Our first cats’ name was Nietzsche. We named it by process of elimination. They like Physics, we do experiments. He was not less interesting, see Lorentz Force.
Robbie 9:45-I looked up Lorentz Force. Boring
David 11:01-The Lorentz Force is what makes mass spectrometers work. That is not boring. That is how CSI works.
Robbie 11:02-Is that how they zoom and enhance already pixilated photos way beyond their resolution?
David 11:02-Hahaha
Robbie 11:09-If that’s the case, than he is my hero
David 11:10-Sure. Why not.
David 12:04-I can’t believe you think the Lorentz Force is boring. That’s like saying relativity isn’t valid cuz it doesn’t apply at the atomic scale.
Robbie 12:04-What you just said=boring
David 12:31-I showed Rose your text about Lorentz and she laughed so hard she snorted. She said “ohhhh, I love Robbie” in a sing-songy voice.
Robbie 12:32-Lorentz. More like Borentz
David 12:32-Thanks Robbie. Now I have snot all over my arm.
Robbie 12:33-ASNR!!
David 12:34-I don’t get it.
Robbie 12:35-Acute Spontaneous Nasal Reflex
David 12:35-Oh. Funny
the end
BAH HA HA HA! See I laugh even now reading it to myself! Oh Robbie you kill me!