Today while I was at the kids school helping with Passport, a social studies program for the school, Miss. Walker (Casey's teacher) came in and told me that Casey needed me.
She was in the office with a bloody nose and she really wanted her mom.
I had just seen Casey, perfectly fine, an hour earlier for passport so I was a little surprised. miss Walker must have seen that on my face because she told me that Sis had tripped in the Library and fell into a book case. I thought my poor baby, she needs me!
I jumped up and as fast as I could walked to the nurse office and there was my Casey, Mrs. Cone (the librarian) and Mrs. Grealish at the sink with bloody towels and tissue all over Casey's face. Casey was crying and then she heard my voice and started sobbing.
She had cut her eyebrow open and had squashed her nose. Who knew a little girl could bleed so much? Once I was able to check her out and look at her eye I decided to take her to Urgent Care. I had no idea if she needed stitches or not.
I pulled Connor from class, called insurance to see where I needed to go and still be covered and drove strait there.
3 & 1/2 hours later she had her face glued back together (no stitches, hallelujah!) a swollen nose and pictures of her skull.
My poor sweetie pie needed a happy meal!
She has a headache and her nose is still dripping blood a bit but she is in one piece and smiling again.
I don't like this day one bit!
If I didn't know better I'd say the good Lord had it in for us.